Hello my name is mohini

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Portals to the Musings of a Living Coconut. A coconut's living force, glitched for internal dialogue responses.

InShock means powerfull simplicity


OxyGène: Sharp Birth - From Ancient Greek ὀξύς (oxús, “sharp”) + γένος (génos, “birth”), referring to oxygen's role in the formation of acids.

know your own energy: wild mess - being aware of intents in the pool of a communal consciousness (conscious and subconscious) it is vital to identify what is and what isn't yours. || #cryptoart #ooakosimo

detachment - Every interaction you have had with other people in your life has tied up personal energy. Detachment it is not about being numb, still feel everything just not getting too affected in a loop.. This is related to these other pieces: OxyGène: Sharp Birth https://superrare.com/0x0e3fb30965eaec2f590c7caea280a30bde6f9e03/oxyg%C3%A8ne:-sharp-birth-77
know your own energy: wild mess https://www.mybae.io/artwork/1596

Contact Info

Manila, Philippines

Phone: +00 555

Email: mail@mail.moo

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Beauty is in the eye of the tiger.

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